Ha ha, this brought back so many memories and made me laugh. When my kids are a little older they will be able to appreciate this!!
If you are 35, or older, you might think this is hilarious!
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill... Barefoot... BOTH ways...yadda, yadda, yadda
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!
But now that I'm over the ripe old age of forty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it, but you kids today, you don't know how good you've got it!
1) I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have the Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!
2) There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter - with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox, and it would take like a week to get there! Stamps were 10 cents!
3) Child Protective Services didn't care if our parents beat us. As a matter of fact, the parents of all my friends also had permission to kick our ass! Nowhere was safe!
4) There were no MP3's or Napsters or iTunes! If you wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the record store and shoplift it yourself!
5) Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio, and the DJ would usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up! There were no CD players! We had tape decks in our car. We'd play our favorite tape and "eject" it when finished, and then the tape would come undone rendering it useless. Cause, hey, that's how we rolled, Baby! Dig?
6) We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called, they got a busy signal, that's it!
7) There weren't any freakin' cell phones either. If you left the house, you just didn't make a damn call or receive one. You actually had to be out of touch with your "friends". OH MY GOSH !!! Think of the horror... not being in touch with someone 24/7!!! And then there's TEXTING. Yeah, right. Please! You kids have no idea how annoying you are.
And we didn't have fancy Caller ID either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your parents, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, the collection agent... you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!
9) We didn't have any fancy PlayStation or Xbox video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'Asteroids'. Your screen guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!!! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen.. Forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!
10) You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!! Oh, no, what's the world coming to?!?!
11) There was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying? We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little rat-bastards!
12) And we didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that!
13) And our parents told us to stay outside and play... all day long. Oh, no, no electronics to soothe and comfort. And if you came back inside... you were doing chores!
14)Car seats - oh, please! Mom threw you in the back seat and you hung on. If you were lucky, you got the "safety arm" across the chest at the last moment if she had to stop suddenly, and if your head hit the dashboard, well that was your fault for calling "shot gun" in the first place!
See! That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled rotten! You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back then!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friends: Auntie Teen gets married!!!
One of my oldest longest and bestest friend from back home is my friend Christine. She hates social media of all kinds and will be mortified that there are now pictures of her forever in the blogosphere, Facebook world! haha!! But she got married last August a few days after I got the keys to my house in Charlotte. So before I could even unpack the girls and I hopped on a plane for Boston! They got to spend the weekend with their cousins while I was at the wedding :)
Here are the Bride, Mothers, and Bridesmaids at the Rehearsal dinner. (looking at 4 different cameras haha)

And I got some snuggle time with the newborn Princess Savannah!! :)

Flower girls and ring bearer

Wedding Day!!

What a BEAUTIFUL Bride she was!!

Me and my Mama Bear!!

My parents and sister were at the wedding too. It was awesome! Here is me and my Daddy :)

And me and my Papa Bear

Me and my twin sister with the Bride

The Bride and Groom

It was such a nice wedding. I had a blast! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sweet!! Love is Sweet!
Here are the Bride, Mothers, and Bridesmaids at the Rehearsal dinner. (looking at 4 different cameras haha)

And I got some snuggle time with the newborn Princess Savannah!! :)

Flower girls and ring bearer

Wedding Day!!

What a BEAUTIFUL Bride she was!!

Me and my Mama Bear!!

My parents and sister were at the wedding too. It was awesome! Here is me and my Daddy :)

And me and my Papa Bear

Me and my twin sister with the Bride

The Bride and Groom

It was such a nice wedding. I had a blast! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sweet!! Love is Sweet!

Sunday, August 4, 2013
Family: Cross Country Adventure Part 2
What a great first couple days we had on the road. Today we are going to FINALLY get out of Texas! I am so excited. Texas takes SO long to get out of. I never realized truly how big a State it was, till this trip.

Something I had been praying for, which I did not think was going to happen, was the girls have gotten along SO well! They have been laughing and playing and not fighting hardly at all! What a relief since I thought I was going to be refereeing from the front seat the entire trip! ha ha.

We stopped real close to the Louisiana border and liked these cool windmills!

Bienvenue en Louisiane! Love it...

Louisiana was BEAUTIFUL to drive through. I finally saw SO much lush green and rolling hills and it got us real excited for the East Coast again!

Then we got to cross over the Mississippi River!

Mississippi was even more beautiful than Louisiana. My favorite State of all that I drove through.

We stopped in Mississippi for the night. We stayed at the Drury again cause the girls loved it there. They loved all the free soda and popcorn in the lobby. Ha ha. But they had a great time in the indoor outdoor pool.

They loved it!

Ryen was scared at first but her sister helped her get through it!

And they slept well that night!

The next morning we were headed to Atlanta. The days started passing faster it seemed as we were driving through multiple states in a day.

Look what we found at a Pit stop!!

Alabama! Today we stopped for lunch at Jason's Deli. It was DELISH!

Talladega stop. Probably not Daddy's idea of what a "pit stop" in Talladega would be like, ha ha.

We made it to Atlanta!

Tomorrow we will be in North Carolina!! YAY!! But for now, we rest sweetly :)

The next morning we were off! Today we had the shortest leg of our trip. Only 3 hours. We were driving through South Carolina first.

If you watch the show House of Cards on Netflix you will appreciate this next photo!! Ha ha! The Peach Water Tower!!

Then we stopped for lunch at a little Deli in South Carolina, but the girls preferred to spend our lunch break lounging together watching a movie.

After lunch it was time to head to our NEW home State! North Carolina here we come!! (and epic fail on the sign. The ONLY one that came out blurry. Awesome!)

We did not tell the girls were taking them to our new house. We just pulled up in front of it and yelled surprise. They were so excited, cause they had never seen it before!

One of the first things we did was walk the dogs around the block and I think the dogs and kids alike were excited cause they were taking off running!

And the girls were so excited when they saw that we have real "Christmas Trees" in the backyard and already started asking us if we can decorate them for Christmas. Well of course!! Duh!! ha ha.

Unfortunately it would be 3 more days till we got the keys to our new home. So off to another hotel we went. (that was the hardest!) But were staying in South Charlotte near lots of fun stuff and we had survived the road trip with lots of laughs, only 1 near accident, no car sickness or bathroom accidents from any children or dogs and hubby and I didn't lose our sanity! Successful Trip!!

Something I had been praying for, which I did not think was going to happen, was the girls have gotten along SO well! They have been laughing and playing and not fighting hardly at all! What a relief since I thought I was going to be refereeing from the front seat the entire trip! ha ha.

We stopped real close to the Louisiana border and liked these cool windmills!

Bienvenue en Louisiane! Love it...

Louisiana was BEAUTIFUL to drive through. I finally saw SO much lush green and rolling hills and it got us real excited for the East Coast again!

Then we got to cross over the Mississippi River!

Mississippi was even more beautiful than Louisiana. My favorite State of all that I drove through.

We stopped in Mississippi for the night. We stayed at the Drury again cause the girls loved it there. They loved all the free soda and popcorn in the lobby. Ha ha. But they had a great time in the indoor outdoor pool.

They loved it!

Ryen was scared at first but her sister helped her get through it!
And they slept well that night!

The next morning we were headed to Atlanta. The days started passing faster it seemed as we were driving through multiple states in a day.

Look what we found at a Pit stop!!

Alabama! Today we stopped for lunch at Jason's Deli. It was DELISH!

Talladega stop. Probably not Daddy's idea of what a "pit stop" in Talladega would be like, ha ha.

We made it to Atlanta!

Tomorrow we will be in North Carolina!! YAY!! But for now, we rest sweetly :)

The next morning we were off! Today we had the shortest leg of our trip. Only 3 hours. We were driving through South Carolina first.

If you watch the show House of Cards on Netflix you will appreciate this next photo!! Ha ha! The Peach Water Tower!!

Then we stopped for lunch at a little Deli in South Carolina, but the girls preferred to spend our lunch break lounging together watching a movie.

After lunch it was time to head to our NEW home State! North Carolina here we come!! (and epic fail on the sign. The ONLY one that came out blurry. Awesome!)

We did not tell the girls were taking them to our new house. We just pulled up in front of it and yelled surprise. They were so excited, cause they had never seen it before!

One of the first things we did was walk the dogs around the block and I think the dogs and kids alike were excited cause they were taking off running!

And the girls were so excited when they saw that we have real "Christmas Trees" in the backyard and already started asking us if we can decorate them for Christmas. Well of course!! Duh!! ha ha.

Unfortunately it would be 3 more days till we got the keys to our new home. So off to another hotel we went. (that was the hardest!) But were staying in South Charlotte near lots of fun stuff and we had survived the road trip with lots of laughs, only 1 near accident, no car sickness or bathroom accidents from any children or dogs and hubby and I didn't lose our sanity! Successful Trip!!
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