I LOVE this article below that I am re-sharing from Connecticut Working Moms.
Posted June 11, 2013
"It’s hard to believe that this month marks the one-year anniversary of our post-baby body photo-shoot – I mean where did the time go? In true CTWM’s fashion, we decided that we wanted to do something to commemorate this important anniversary so we chose to tackle a topic that makes our skin crawl – the mommy wars. Last year’s photo shoot was about embracing our bodies and this year’s shoot was about embracing our different parenting choices. Cause seriously people, the world needs more love and less judgment.

Personally I think the mommy wars were created by the media as a way to pit women against each other and gain ratings and I just don’t want to be a part of that. I am soooo over it. Who cares if some moms choose to homeschool vs. use public schools or if some moms breastfeed and others don’t or if some moms let their kids watch more TV than others? The only choices we have control over are our own. What another mom chooses is her decision – who are we to judge that? And when you really think about it – what’s the point? It feels so much better to treat people kindly with loving intentions than to go straight to a place of judgment. We should be supporting women’s decisions instead of critiquing them and making snap judgments based off our limited knowledge of other people’s situations."

What an AWESOME message! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! I am so glad to have found this. I also located a Facebook page for them. Go like them here!!

And honestly, in my opinion, sometimes it is not the judging that is the big enemy, it is the comparing. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH JUST AS YOU ARE. You be you. Let everyone else be them. God made us each unique and different with our own talents and strengths. That Mom that you think "has it all together", could just be wishing she was more like you in some ways. We are all in this crazy, hectic, roller coaster ride of Mothering together. We need to support, respect and accept each other for who we are. And for God's sake we need to be KIND to one another.
Thanks so much for sharing this! I LOVE!!! I have been thinking so much about this topic lately, feeling judged by close friends because of parenting decisions I make. It's NOT right! I'm going to go check out the Facebook page!
ReplyDeleteIt is sad Rene. Sometimes Mom kind of razz each other as a joke. But then there are sometimes when Mom's just belittle other parents' choices. It is not ok and we need to stop doing it to each other. As I always say, eyes on me, no one else...