We also got to check out our new wreath that my friend Becki made me. She did a beautiful job. I LOVE IT!

The following night our Christmas activity was Build A Bear. One of my favorite Holiday traditions is coming here and choosing two of their select Christmas "Bears". So far we own The Grinch, The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph and Clarice. I wanted to add Santa and Frosty to our collection this year so bad! I was so excited...

Here they are! Our new additions! The Mouse from Twas the Night Before Christmas and Frosty.

Birth Certificates with Daddy

I wish I could say it was fun, but it wasn't. For the 2nd straight year we made it clear we were going ONLY to get one of the Christmas "Bears" since every year they release special ones.My kids decided to throw a hugely ungrateful fit because I would not get them a pug and a polar bear. We almost left before they saw the error of their way (and were threatened with getting NOTHING). So unfortunately it left a bad taste in my mouth again, and we decided not to do it again next year. If they don't appreciate it, they don't deserve it.

The Christmas Tree at the Mall

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